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21 mrt


Netwerkavond Technology in the Tropics - What's new?

Technology in the Tropics

What’s new? Come to our network event!

During the network event our guest speakers will present on the current use of different technological advancements in the tropical forestry sector.


19.30 – Doors open –

20.00 Marcela J. Quiñones – Sarvision
The state of the art on radar technology for tropical forest observations. The latest results from the amazon and Indonesia.

20.15 Lammert Hilarides – Wetlands International
Mangrove Watch Africa

20.30 Clement Obeng-Manu – Graduate of University of Twente
Potential and Limitation of UAV in Forestry

20.45 – Coffee break –

21.00 Hans Beukeboom & JornDallinga – WNF
Early Detection and Predicting Deforestation – a gram of prevention is worth a kilogram of reparation

21.15 Patrick Jansen – Wageningen University
The use of camera-traps in ecological research

21.30 – Drinks –

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